ORCM Calendar of Events

Upcoming Events

(At the Robert & Corrine Reul Memorial Field)

  • Frozen Finger Fly
    January 1st, 2024 @ 9:00AM (Weather Permitting)
  • Owatonna RC Modelers Fun Fly #1
    June 22nd 2024 Fun Fly 9:00am start
  • MRCSS – Aero-tow(National Glider Event)
    July 11 – 14 2024
  • Owatonna RC Modelers Fun Fly # 2
    July 27th 2024 Fun Fly 9:00am start
  • Monthly Membership Meeting 1st Wednesday of every month at 6:30PM
    At the field during the flying season and at the Owatonna HyVee dining room during the winter months.

    • Note – Meeting at Owatonna HyVee Dining area November – March (possibly April) during winter months for a social gathering and discuss any open business.

(At other destinations)

  • Civil Air Patrol 31st Annual Fly-In Breakfast (RC Static Display)
    Owatonna Airport – August 25th 2024 ??? (Static Display)